活動講者為材料科學期刊 Applied Surface Science 主編 - Dr. Henrik Rudolph,
與 Applied Surface Science 期刊主編有約!
Elsevier 在 11 月 16 日與 17 日舉辦論文投稿與審稿人講座,我們特別邀請到 Applied Surface Science 期刊主編 Henrik Rudolph 博士為我們這兩場活動分享論文投稿注意事項、幕後同儕審查和編輯決策流程、如何做個出色的審稿人、拆解論文架構分析寫作要點、審稿人的益處等。 |
本研討會使用 Zoom webinar 舉行。若無法於校內連結,請使用其他個人網路連線報名與會。 |
議程 Agenda |
11 月 16 日
Behind the scenes at a large scientific journal:
How the editorial process works
- 介紹科學出版物在大型科學期刊上所經歷的各個步驟 - 從投稿、預先篩選、審查以及初步決策過程。
- 說明作者、編輯和審稿人的責任,並說明如何選擇適合您投稿的期刊,及如何提高投稿成功機會。
In this presentation we will go through the various steps a scientific publication goes through at a large scientific journal. From the submission, the pre-screening, the review as well as the initial decision process. We will touch on the responsibility of the author, the editor as well as the reviewers. In doing so, we will also discuss what is the best journal for YOUR submission and how to optimize your chances of success. |
時間:75 分鐘(演講和問答)
Audience: senior undergraduate students, PhD students and everyone interested in the scientific publication process.
The presentation will last approximate 45 mins and will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Total duration no more than 75 mins. |
11 月 17 日
Reviewer workshop:
How to get the most out of being a reviewer of scientific articles
- 說明同儕審查(peer reviewer)的重要性、擔任審稿人的益處與注意事項、如何與編輯互動。
- 剖析論文寫作架構與審稿要點(也歡迎想了解論文寫作架構的研究班學生參加)與審稿人的職責。
In this presentation we will discuss the position of the peer reviewer in the scientific publication process. How do you become a reviewer, why should you become a reviewer, when should you (try to) become a reviewer and what benefits are associated with being a reviewer? We will also discuss how to review a paper and what responsibilities you have as a reviewer. The interaction with the editorial office (the editor) will also be touched upon. |
時間:75 分鐘(演講和問答)
Audience: senior PhD students, postdocs, researcher and faculty members
The presentation will last approximate 45 mins and will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Total duration no more than 75 mins. |
講者 Agenda |

Dr. Henrik Rudolph
Editor-in-Chief of Applied Surface Science
Henrik Rudolph 在哥本哈根大學獲得化學學士學位和物理學碩士學位,隨後在美國加州理工學院獲得博士學位。 1990 年,他加入荷蘭 Utrecht 烏得勒支大學擔任物理學副教授,並於 2001 年成為原子和分子物理學的正教授。 自 2012 年起,他受僱於荷蘭國防部。他的研究興趣包括等離子體表面相互作用、表面功能化以及表面的詳細化學反應。
HenrikRudolph (Frederiksberg, Denmark 1958) received a Ba in Chemistry and a MSc in Physics from the University of Copenhagen and subsequently obtained a PhD from California Institute of Technology (USA). In 1990 he joined Utrecht University (the Netherlands) as an associate professor of physics and in 2001 he became full professor in atomic and molecular physics. Since 2012 he is employed by the Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands. His research interests include plasma surface interactions, functionalization of surfaces as well as detailed chemical reactions at surfaces. |
Applied Surface Science 期刊一覽
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