【演講公告】111學年度「Glory Hall群賢雅聚工作坊」-112/06/14(三)-Indiana University 陳彥善博士-「From common to rare, learning from experiments of nature」(1500-1600君蔚樓1樓君蔚夢想創新空間)

  • 2023-06-12
  • 林楷舜
Dear 老師/同學您好:
Glory Hall群賢雅聚工作坊不定期邀請各領域傑出人才至現場與大家經驗交流;
可以兩兩成群,也可以獨自一人,讓大家沒有負擔的盡情暢談!! 單純來吃吃東西也可以~
音量本次特別邀請  Indiana University 陳彥善博士 進行分享,歡迎有興趣的師生同仁踴躍報名參加!!
This is an image

講題:「From common to rare, learning from experiments of nature
講者:Indiana University 陳彥善博士
地點:君蔚樓1 君蔚夢想創新空間 (~限額35位,額滿為止~)
Topic:「From common to rare, learning from experiments of nature
Speaker Yen-Shan Chen, Ph.D.
Date 14th Jun., 2023 WED.15:00-16:00
Room Dream Way Innovation Hub, 1F, Dream-Way building  (Due to limited seating, the max is 35 seats)

語言:This speech is in Chinese.
※本次活動備有特別餐點,歡迎踴躍報名唷!!Special Meals are available for this lecture
※請務必事先報名Please must register in advance
※報名截止日期:1120613 (二)12:00
Registration website: http://event.tmu.edu.tw/actnews/signup.php?Sn=4737
Deadline 13rd Jun., 2023 TUE.12:00


ParticipantFaculties and students
Organizer TMU Office of Research and Development
Contact PersonTracy Kangm513097010@tmu.edu.tw