
- Name Wen-Shan,Jian
- Job title Professor
Teaching Field
- Medical Information Management System
- Medical Information Standards and Common Specifications
- Telemedicine technology applications
- Electronic medical record
- Biological Information and Medical Information
Research Expertise
- Medical management
- Electronic medical records
- Information system & programming language
- Publication Website https://tmu.pure.elsevier.com/en/persons/wen-shan-jian-2
- Email jj@tmu.edu.tw
- Office Tel No. 02-66202589 #16114

- Name 許明暉
- Job title Professor and Chairman
Teaching Field
- Big data topics and case discussions
- Optimal decision-making and mathematical programming
- Information security
- Business intelligence
Research Expertise
- Electronic medical record
- Telehealth care
- Medical quality and patient safety
- Publication Website https://tmu.pure.elsevier.com/en/persons/min-huei-hsu
- Email 701056@tmu.edu.tw
- Office Tel No. 02-66202589 #16112

- Name Jin-Hua,Chen
- Job title Professor
Teaching Field
- Big data statistical analysis practice
- Biostatistics
- Probability & statistics
- R & statistical analysis in big data
Research Expertise
- Gene statistics
- Category data analysis
- Integrated analysis
- Publication Website https://tmu.pure.elsevier.com/en/persons/jin-hua-chen-2
- Email jh_chen@tmu.edu.tw
- Office Tel No. 02-66202589 #16110

- Name 張詠淳
- Job title Professor
Teaching Field
- Natural Language Processing
- Information Extraction and Retrieval
- Text Categorization
- Cognitive Search
- Sentiment(Opinion and Emotion)Analysis
- Intelligent Chatbot of Deep Language Understanding
- Publication Website https://tmu.pure.elsevier.com/en/persons/yung-chun-chang
- Email changyc@tmu.edu.tw
- Office Tel No. 02-66202589 #16105
Joint Appointment

- Name 徐之昇
- Job title Associate Professor
- Publication Website https://tmu.pure.elsevier.com/en/persons/jason-c-hsu
- Email jasonhsu@tmu.edu.tw
- Office Tel No. 02-66202589 #16119
Adjunct Professor

- Name Chien, Li-Nien
- Job title Professor
Teaching Field
- Long-term care
- Medical quality
- Health insurance database data processing and analysis
Research Expertise
- Secondary data analysis
- Health service and outcome research
- Health Policy
- Email lnchien@tmu.edu.tw

- Name 童俊維
- Job title Professor
Teaching Field
- Computational toxicology
- Immunoinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Databases
- Machine learning
Research Expertise
- Computational toxicology
- Immunoinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Databases
- Machine learning
- Email cwtung@tmu.edu.tw
- Office Tel No. 02-6638-2736#1185

- Name 莊秀文
- Job title Professor
Teaching Field
- Health system and policy research
- Patient safety and quality
- Performance management
- System implementation and simulation in health care
- Resilience engineering in health care
Research Expertise
- Health system and policy research
- Patient safety and quality
- Performance management
- System implementation and simulation in health care
- Resilience engineering in health care
- Publication Website https://tmu.pure.elsevier.com/en/persons/sheu-wen-chuang-2
- Email sheuwen@tmu.edu.tw
- Office Tel No. 02-66202589 #16116

- Name 林彥光
- Job title Associate Professor
Teaching Field
- Long-term follow-up data analysis
- Statistical consultation
- Multivariate statistics
Research Expertise
- Long-term follow-up data analysis
- Statistical consultation
- Multivariate statistics
- Email robbinlin@tmu.edu.tw

- Name 林靖瑛
- Job title Assistant Professor
Teaching Field
- Human resources and organization
- Management
- Marketing
- Medicl risk management
- Green marketing and corporate performance
- Organizational behavior
Research Expertise
- Human resources and organization
- Management
- Marketing
- Medicl risk management
- Green marketing and corporate performance
- Organizational behavior
- Email jessy0217@tmu.edu.tw
- Office Tel No. (02)2249-0088#1602