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Our vision is to make it easy for the Taipei Medical University Community to realize the transformative benefits of the Cloud through enabling adoption and providing common services that are secure, cost-effective, and reliable.

Why Cloud? Why Now?


To reduce costs.

The high fixed costs associated with running a data center in residential Cambridge make our infrastructure services rates noncompetitive. 


To improve application performance.

We currently have an environment of many - many tools, many technologies, many vendors, many versions - you name it, we have it. This makes sharing, integrating, supporting, and operating much more difficult than it should be. Moving to the Cloud provides us with a unique opportunity to create standards, common architectural patterns, and to design services and supports that simplify TMU's technical landscape.


The Cloud is here.

Those who have previously used the on-premises data center are leaving to use Service as a Solution (SaaS) options on their own. This is driving down revenue for our data center and creating support challenges. We are proactively addressing both issues by migrating to the Cloud.  


To improve disaster recovery.

In the face of a disaster, our critical systems, data, and network core are at risk. Today, it would take a herculean effort to restore services in the event of a disaster such as a fire, flood, or explosion. We are relocating our network core and implementing disaster recovery on all applications in the Cloud, dramatically improving our ability to respond in the face of adversity.

TMU’s move to the Cloud offers an opportunity to 

  • reduce costs;

  • improve application performance;

  • add much needed security and disaster recovery to all applications.

Over the next two years, the Cloud Program will:

  • Migrate enterprise apps from on-prem data center to the Cloud

  • Create a coherent University cloud presence using standards, common contracts, and shared architecture

  • Provide new cloud-based services to help deliver security and value

  • Reduce costs by closing our expensive on premise data center located at 60 Oxford Street

Learn more about how we're getting to the Cloud.