The College of Public Health, Taipei Medical University (TMU) is going to hold the "International Public Health Summit 2022" on Friday, May 6th, 2022 via Webex and Youtube livestream, and you are welcome to join online!
The College has invited the 15 professionals in public health to jointly share the trending public health issues and create exchanges with each other. There will be speakers from 7 universities from Taiwan and abroad, such as TMU, Universiti Malaya in Malaysia, University of Denver in U.S., Chinese University of Hong Kong, The University of Tokyo in Japan, National University of Singapore, and Mahidol University in Thailand; and other Taiwanese professional institutions such as Taiwan CDC, Academia Sinica, and National Health Research Institutes, that are going to share four main topics:
1. Physical and Mental Health under COVID-19 Pandemic2. International Assistance & Humanitarian Aid
3. Precision Public Health in Post-Pandemic Era - Chronic Disease Prevention
4. Precision Public Health in Post-Pandemic Era - Infectious Disease Prevention
Please find below details to join the forum:
- Activity Time & Date: Friday May 6th, 2022 at 9:00 – 17:00 (Taiwan Time, UTC+8)
- Please register first via, or scan the QR Code on the poster. The registration will be open until May 1st.
- The presentations will all be in English.
1. Following Covid-19's preventive policy, the activity will be held in both ways of online conference and youtube livestream. The links will be provided after the registration.
2. Please register first via, or scan the QR Code on the poster.
3. Presentation in English only.
2. Please register first via, or scan the QR Code on the poster.
3. Presentation in English only.
※Contact information:
1.Phone number:+886-2736-1661 ext. 6502(Flora)、6503 (Jessie)